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We are born, in this world, into a game that's already started. We arrive late... really late, for the game is nearly completed. As in Monopoly, all of the properties are owned and everywhere we land, rents must be paid.

We have no choice... these are the rules of the game. The game is not an option. There is no other way to survive. The land and the resources necessary for alternatives are gone and laws prevent us from hunting, fishing and cultivating independent societies. To survive we need money and money is the key to winning the game.

All talk of freedom is absurd. We are only “free” to get into their game. The rules are set, quitting is illegal, so get started “earning a living”. We have no inherent human right to be alive. We must earn our right to exist by submitting to the authority of those who are winning the game.

We are unable to explore and develop our interests and talents in the order of importance that we define for ourselves. We can not use this gift of life, our time on Earth, in accordance with our own inner directives. We must rent our lives out in the marketplace, like a spare room that we'd love to use ourselves but that we simply can't afford to occupy. We must take what work we can get and hope that some day we will have saved enough to finally use the room for ourselves.

This is the depressing truth about life on this planet. There is no use in trying to pretend it's not really this bad. An ostrich with his head in the sand leaves his butt in the air ready to be kicked. There is no use in trying to tinker around the edges of the problem either. Wasting time and energy trying to fix symptoms of a problem while ignoring its cause is ridiculous. Unemployment, poverty, crime and pollution are just symptoms or effects of a much deeper illness. The real problem that we must understand and overcome is the debt/money system that the inventors of the game have been using for over 300 years to motivate, entertain and enslave us. Money is the carrot that lures us into the cage... and the stick that prevents us from leaving.

Yes the game is almost over. Global corporations now own or control most of the Earth's resources. Democratically elected governments everywhere are deforming into secretive Orwellian elites, serving international masters, using intrusive police-state techniques to monitor and control their citizens. Genetic engineering and patents on food and plant life, and soon even human DNA, means that every square on the board of Life will be owned and operated for profit. A cartel of privately owned companies will own the rights to everything on Earth and the rest of humanity will do all the work for them or perish. Governments will exist primarily to enforce their rights. The game of Monetary Monopoly will then be complete.

But it doesn't have to end like this. A simple shift in thinking could lead us into a world of new possibilities. Money doesn't have to be scarce. A shortage of money doesn't have to limit what we can achieve on Earth. Our money system is not a law of nature, it's a device of man, and it can easily be modified to better suit our needs. All that is lacking is the public focus and demand for change.

The idea that money is scarce is not an accident. It is the very foundation of the deception that is used to control the board of life and to cheat all working people out of a large portion of their income and productivity. When all money is created as interest-bearing debt, lenders can exploit all personal and business endeavours and impose a private tax on human labour and initiative. They can also grow tremendously rich, and powerful enough to control corporations, the government, the education system, the media and, of course, public opinion.

So how do we free ourselves from the grip of the money lenders?

It's a lot easier than you might think. Here's a quick summary... How To Fix Life